日期:2008-08-18 浏览数:1000
1998年赴欧洲留学,拜涅高兹的弟子Igori I. Suchomlinov教授和戈登威泽,吉烈尔斯的弟子Felix Gottlieb教授为师。期间她所获得的国际比赛获奖奖项包括:2003年基辅21世纪国际青年钢琴演奏家比赛;2003年吉列尔斯国际钢琴比赛;2006年意大利第16届A.M.A Calabria 国际钢琴比赛;2006年意大利拿波里第11届A.C.I.S.A.M“PAUSILYPON”;2007年葡萄牙第24届Porto国际钢琴比赛;2007年安道尔第13届国际钢琴比赛。
近几年来,她活跃在世界舞台,多次应邀在德国、意大利、瑞士、法国、葡萄牙、西班牙、安道尔等国的多个城市举行独奏音乐会和室内乐音乐会,与著名指挥家和乐团进行卓有成效的合作,成为广受当地媒体关注的文化事件。著名的德国BADISCHE ZEITUNG评价她:来自中国的周宇博女士充分展现了她闪耀着卓越光华的钢琴家的自我,她不仅拥有无可挑剔的完美技术,还迸发着光量子般精微而关键的活力。
她是德国Rosenberg 奖学金2005年的获得者和德国第6届国际钢琴学会奖学金获得者,该学会的奖学金每届只颁发给前两位最优秀的竞争者。
参加的大师班包括:俄国大师Dmitri Bashkirov,英国利兹国际钢琴比赛冠军Dmitri Alexeev, 美国朱丽亚音乐学院Oxana Yablonskaya,德国汉诺威音乐戏剧学院和奥地利萨尔兹堡莫扎特音乐学院Karl-Heinz Kaemmerling和法国巴黎音乐学院和德国柏林艺术学院的Jacques Rouvier等。
Yubo Zhou
In February 2007 pianist Yubo Zhou was awarded her Concert solist Diploma from Freiburg Music University receiving the highest grade of ‘excellent’.
She started playing piano at the age of five and was educated by Professor Jin shi, Professor Leng jia and Professor Bian meng. At the age of seven years, she was invited to the Beijing Great Hall of the People with a meeting of some leading governmental representatives of China, winning a prize in the first national music competition in China. Afterwards she began to give concerts with orchestras and recitals in several cities in China, during which time she commenced playing chamber music as well.
In 1998 she went to Europe for further musical education with Professor Igori I. Suchomlinov, a scholar of Stanislav Neuhaus and Professor Felix Gottlieb, a scholar of Alexander Goldenweiser andr,Emil Gilels. She continued to win prices in competitions at both the national and international level. These competitions include: The International Competition of Young Performers 21st Century Art (Kiev, 2003) ;The 2nd International Piano Competition in memory of Emil Gilels (Odessa, 2003);The International Piano Competition A. M. A. Calabria (Italy, 2006);The International Piano Competition ACISAM Napoli (Italy, 2006);The 24th Concurso Internacional de Musica da Cidade do Porto (Portugal, 2007);The 13th Andorra International piano competition ( Andorra , 2007 ).
Yubo Zhou won the Rosenberg scholarship at 2005 and the 6th German piano academy scholarship in 2006 as well; the last one only given to the two best pianists each year.
In recent times, she has received many invitations for playing recitals and chamber music concerts as well as concerts with symphonic orchestra in several cities in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Andorra and Spain, all of which were received to great critical acclaim. The well known German newspaper Badische Zeitung has written about her:
The Chinese Yubo Zhou presented herself as a brilliant pianist, who not only commanded a faultless technique, but also had a decisive sense of verve. In particular she performed the closing rondo with great excitement. It was rhythmical, skilful with accented clarity and at the end of so bold a virtuso performance, the orchestra ‘hung on to every note’.
She has participated in the master classes of, amongst others, Prof. Dmitri Bashkirov,Prof. Dmitri Alexeev, Prof. Oxana Yablonskaya,Prof. Karl-Heinz Kaemmerling and Prof. Jacques Rouvier.