日期:2008-08-18 浏览数:1000
“年轻的中国钢琴家李晨音展示了极高的精神境界,是那种你在老唱片和老一辈艺术家中才能领略到的风采, 也是在现代钢琴演奏中往往被遗忘的精神……多么鲜明的个性,多么内敛的美丽,极大的活力,对于色彩和感情瞬间的把握又是多么精彩!”
自2001 年赢得第六届苏格兰国际钢琴比赛金奖以来,李晨音已经成为当代最具成就的中国青年钢琴家之一。她的名字在近年来重要的国际钢琴比赛大奖获奖名单中频频出现。她曾在英国杰克•塞密尔钢琴比赛、谢菲尔德钢琴比赛和达德里国际钢琴比赛中囊括金奖;在西班牙海恩国际钢琴比赛中获银奖;其它重大赛事如西班牙玛利亚•卡娜尔斯国际钢琴比赛、圣坦德国际钢琴比赛,意大利普策利国际钢琴比赛,爱 尔兰都柏林国际钢琴比赛等,也是名列前茅。2007年底,她又一连夺得了两项国际大奖, 其中包括坎皮洛斯国际钢琴比赛第一名。
李晨音曾多次在英国、法国、意大利、德国、西班牙、荷兰、丹麦、日 本、苏格兰、新西兰、美国以及她的祖国中国巡回演出。她的演奏的场所包括了国际知名的演奏大厅,例如莱比锡贝多音乐厅、阿姆斯特丹音乐厅、新西兰国家音乐厅、华盛顿特区议员大厅、伦敦皇家音乐厅、威格莫尔音乐厅、伊丽莎白女皇音乐厅、伯明翰音乐厅、曼彻斯特水桥音乐厅及格拉斯哥皇家音乐厅等。尤为值得一提的是,在2003年由伦敦爱乐乐团选拔并赞助,李晨音在伦敦皇家艺术大厅举行了独奏专场音乐会,获得巨大成功。此外,她还多次受邀在国际音乐节上献艺,如威尔士普莱斯汀国际艺术节、丽兹音乐节、马汉利国际音乐节、瑞伯•瓦利国际钢琴艺术节、奥克兰国际钢琴艺术节等。
李晨音曾多次同国际一流乐团合作,如美国的凤凰城交响乐团、皇家苏格兰交响乐团、丹麦阿鲁斯交响乐团、新西兰国家交响乐团、德国瑞根丝堡格交响乐团等。她还积极参与室内乐合作其中包括与世界著名的“一撒易”弦乐四重奏的合作演出。 她的演奏被爱尔兰国家音乐电台,西班牙和新西兰的古典音乐电台多次播出;她出版的CD包括苏格兰国际钢琴比赛专辑,爱尔兰现代钢琴音乐专辑和英国现代作曲家瑞恩•赛米尔作品专辑。
Chenyin Li
Since winning the 6th Scottish International Piano Competition in Glasgow, Chenyin Li has established herself as one of the most sought-after young Chinese pianists of her generation. She has also collected an impressive array of international first prizes including the European Beethoven Gold Medal, the Jacques Samuel Competition, the Sheffield Piano Competition and the Dudley International Piano Competition. Her most recent win at the Campillos International Piano Competition in 2007 led to further engagements in Spain and Italy. Other competitions saw her name high up among the prize-winner list, such as the Ferrol International Competition, Jaén International Piano Competition, Maria Canals, Santander (Spain), Pozzoli (Italy) and Dublin International Piano Competition.
After moving to the UK from her native country China, Chenyin has gained a devoted following around the world, assuring a successful performing career that includes concerto performances with many leading orchestras, such as the Royal Scottish Symphony Orchestra, the Aarhus Symphony Orchestra (Denmark), the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra (USA), the Regensburg Symphony Orchestra (Germany) to name a few. Her recital highlights include highly acclaimed debut recital at the Royal Festival Hall and she also appear regularly in prestigious London venues such as Wigmore Hall, Purcell Room, Queen Elizabeth Hall, St. Martin-in-the-Fields, Adrian Boult Hall (Birmingham), Bridgewater Hall (Manchester) and Royal Concert Hall (Glasgow).
Amongst many chamber music collaborations, Chenyin has performed with the notable Ysaye Quartet, and has also participated in International music festivals such as Presteigne, Leeds, Machynlleth and Ribble Valley International Festivals. Outside the UK she toured in USA, Spain, France, Holland, China, Germany, England, Japan and Scotland. Chenyin appeared to great acclaim at the New Zealand International Piano Festival last year, appearing as a major performer in several concerts and public master-classes. Her solo recital was described by the New Zealand Herald as ‘…by far, the most rewarding evening of the festival’.
During her formative years, Chenyin studied with Bi-gang Chen, Zhong Hui and Hui-li Li at the Beijing Conservatory of Music, and later at the University of Auckland in New Zealand with Professor Tamas Vesmas. Gaining a full scholarship from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, she moved to London to study with Professor Joan Havill. During her years in GSMD, she obtained the Postgraduate Concert Recital Diploma, Premiere Prix and the Master Degree. In January 2008, she was the first ever student to gain a Performance Doctorate Degree from the Guildhall School and City University. During her studies she was the recipient of numerous awards and scholarships such as KPMG/Martin, Solti Foundation, Myra Hess Trust, Ian Fleming & Hattori Foundation Scholarships.
Chenyin’s playing has been heard through numerous radio and television broadcasts in countries such as Spain, Ireland, New Zealand and China. Her recordings include CDs from the Scottish International Piano Competition, Irish contemporary piano music, a CD featuring the piano music of British composer Rhian Samuel and a DVD from the Auckland International Piano festival in New Zealand.